The impacts of globalization, privatization and liberalization on society may be debatable. But one good and positive thing it has created beyond any question or controversy is the immense job and business opportunities it has given to the country’s youth.
The school and the community share responsibility in education for the development ofpersonality. Research shows that in order to establish the foundations for the development ofconscience, it is essential that each child develops in the first years a close relationship with atleast one person who is willing to celebrate the child's life with joy and tenderness and who iswilling to commit in the long term and make the necessary sacrifices in favor of the health andwell-being of the child. When parents and other family members consciously assume thisresponsibility, the home encourages the effective development of attitudes and values, whichare relevant to family life and will be reflected in behavior at school and in the community.International Standard Personality Development Programs are suitable for anyone working inbusiness, industry or the public sector. Topics include cover from confident and Self EsteemSkills to Customer Service, Negotiation Skills and Dealing with Difficult People.
An education program for personality development should include the concepts of responsibility,respect, integrity, compassion, understanding, honesty, justice, empathy, perseverance andcourage, and should be developed in the context of the basic values that the person practicesdaily.
Self Developement:
- Respect for own value and dignity.
- Respect parents, teachers and people in positions of authority.
- Development of self-discipline, self-responsibility and good manners towards others.
- Respect the members of the home, school and community.
- Respect for all individuals and understanding of the differences between socio economic levels, race, ethnicity, language ability, gender identity, sexual orientation, religious beliefs and physical abilities
- Consideration of the rights of the group and individuals.
- Development of integrity, honesty, loyalty, reliability, justice and compassion.
- Development of self-discipline
- Ability to think independently, critically, objectively and creatively.