111, Whites House, 1st Main Road, 1st Avenue, Anna Nagar (East), Chennai – 600102, info@ethixglobal.com.
  • +91-9857055555
  • Mon-Sat 8:00 am to 8:00 pm

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  • Scenario
  • Benefits to the Students
  • Program Objectives
  • 2 Day Training Modules
  • Self Awarness and Development
  • Interpersonal Effectiveness
  • Communication and Presentation
  • Resume Writing, GD and Interview Skills
  • Leadership and Team Building
  • Spoken English - WINGLISH


The impacts of globalization, privatization and liberalization on society may be debatable. But one good and positive thing it has created beyond any question or controversy is the immense job and business opportunities it has given to the country’s youth.

The school and the community share responsibility in education for the development ofpersonality. Research shows that in order to establish the foundations for the development ofconscience, it is essential that each child develops in the first years a close relationship with atleast one person who is willing to celebrate the child's life with joy and tenderness and who iswilling to commit in the long term and make the necessary sacrifices in favor of the health andwell-being of the child. When parents and other family members consciously assume thisresponsibility, the home encourages the effective development of attitudes and values, whichare relevant to family life and will be reflected in behavior at school and in the community.International Standard Personality Development Programs are suitable for anyone working inbusiness, industry or the public sector. Topics include cover from confident and Self EsteemSkills to Customer Service, Negotiation Skills and Dealing with Difficult People.

An education program for personality development should include the concepts of responsibility,respect, integrity, compassion, understanding, honesty, justice, empathy, perseverance andcourage, and should be developed in the context of the basic values ​​that the person practicesdaily.

Self Developement:

  1. Respect for own value and dignity.

  2. Respect parents, teachers and people in positions of authority.

  3. Development of self-discipline, self-responsibility and good manners towards others.

  4. Respect the members of the home, school and community.

  5. Respect for all individuals and understanding of the differences between socio economic levels, race, ethnicity, language ability, gender identity, sexual orientation, religious beliefs and physical abilities

  6. Consideration of the rights of the group and individuals.

  7. Development of integrity, honesty, loyalty, reliability, justice and compassion.

  8. Development of self-discipline

  9. Ability to think independently, critically, objectively and creatively.

Benefits to the Students

Knowing self and developing self

  1. Students realize their strengths and weaknesses and build on strengths.

  2. They become aware of the impact of the past and the necessity to be free themselves from these impacts and act proactively.

  3. To learn the fundamentals of psychology and use them for their growth and development.

Making students employable

  1. Students realize the expectations of employers from new recruits.

  2. They understand the emerging opportunities for them in corporate sectors.

  3. They learn the recruitment process in industries.

  4. They learn to prepare resume.

  5. They learn how to prepare for aptitude tests.

  6. They master the tips for facing interview

Program Objectives

To help the students

  1. To experientially become aware of their untapped hidden potentials

  2. To discover the goals and ambitions for their lives

  3. To find out the inner and outer blocks that stand in their way blocking their success and the techniques to over come them

  4. To learn the group processes and experience a genuine team work

  5. To acquire required skills to participate in group discussions successfully

  6. To face interviews confidently and able to get selected

2 Day Training Modules

  1. Self awareness and Self Management

  2. Inter-personal Effectiveness

  3. Communication and Presentation skills

  4. Resume writing, Group Discussion and Interview Skills

  5. Leadership and Team Building

Self Awarness and Development


  1. To help the students to become aware of their strengths and weaknesses.

  2. To help them to understand their behavioral patterns which contribute/hinder towards their success.

  3. To set smart goals for one self and develop an action plan to realize his/her dreams.


  1. Multi dimensional aspects of Self development- Johari Window

  2. Transactional Analysis Concepts:
    a) Ego states b) Transactions c) Scripts d) Life Positions.

  3. Albert Ellis’s Rational Emotive Therapy

  4. Goal Setting skills
    a) Levels of Consciousness and Goals. b) Vision, Mission and SMART Goals. c) Affirmation and Visualizations to make the dream a reality

  5. Time and Stress Management Skills
    a) The four generations of time management concepts. The fourth generation time management matrix
    b) factors causing stress and stress management techniques

Interpersonal Effectiveness


  1. To assist students realize the importance of being connected with others in enhancing their emotional and intellectual success.

  2. To help students understand the psychological dimensions that build healthy relationships.


  1. Strokes- Strokogram, Games and Time structuring

  2. Listening and Responding Skills ‘I’ and ‘You’ messages

  3. The three pathological roles namely persecutor, rescuer and victim and to understand how these three roles drain our productive energies

  4. The concepts of Salugenic (life giving) and Pathological Love (diseased)

Communication and Presentation


  1. To help present with confidence

  2. To teach them techniques to communicate more effectively

  3. To assist students in providing advice on how to enhance their personal impact while communicating & presenting


  1. Business & Interpersonal communication & Listening skills

  2. Body Language & Para verbal skills

  3. Skills to structure a presentation, build credibility, and sell ideas

  4. Presenting information so that it relates to people of varying skill levels

  5. Dealing with tough questions and maintaining composure

  6. Creating visuals that effectively enhance the presentation

Resume Writing, Group Discussion and Interview Skills


  1. To help students become employable.

  2. To help them learn the way to impress employers and get selected for the job they aspire.


  1. How to prepare your own resume. Highlight your strengths.

  2. Modify your resume according to the position and company you are applying to. Prepare an effective cover letter.

  3. Different types of GDs. What are you judged for? How do you take the lead? Participate and make yourself heard. Present new ideas effectively. Plenty of practice topics given.

  4. Grooming

  5. Selling yourself in 30 seconds

  6. Body language. Present yourself well. How to answer commonly asked questions. What do you do if you do not know the answer? After the interview.

Leadership and Team Building


  1. To make students realize the importance of being a good team builder as well as a great team player

  2. To teach students the techniques to lead effectively.


  1. Learn how to work within a team and motivate others to work with you

  2. Use your communication skills to build long-lasting relationships at the workplace.

  3. Getting into ‘Leadership Mindset’

  4. Popular leadership traits

  5. Planning a leadership career

  6. How to be an assertive leader without being bossy

  7. Responsibilities as a leader

Spoken English - WINGLISH

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